My last thoughts and reflections on the coronavirus pandemic.
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Reflections on the Coronavirus Pandemic

Reading time: ( 10 ) minutes

I don’t believe coronaviruses can be transmitted from person to person by water droplets the way scientists presently believe, by my logic, it doesn’t make sense for them to spread this way as each virus seems to be intentional and meant for the person that receives it and is affected by it, this line of thinking isn’t intended to be cruel, this just appears to be the reality of how viruses work based on my personal experiences and research. Viruses seem to come into existence as they are required where they are used to combat negative behaviours of humanity involving issues that are governed by spiritual laws and expectations.

The one common denominator that seems to be making coronaviruses spread is spiritual corruption, for example, some of the most common viruses seem to be caused by mental and emotional over-reactivity combined with intense anger or hostility. Other common causes seemed to come from seducing someone in the mind, often by thinking about the person in question, placing excess and unwanted attention on someone or surrendering oneself to someone else who one shouldn’t do so. The most serious issue connected to (Covid-19) might be connected to the evils of sex trafficking of children, seducing a child or people who would create, view or access child pornography. Other lesser issues perhaps connected to more general coronaviruses seem to surround things like alcoholism or even immoral choices such as telling lies, however, these viruses are likely to be an effort to prevent these immoral things from spreading or becoming worse within the population, by forcing someone to surrender in most instances or at worst through deadly biological interventions.

I believe sexually perverse behaviour is one of the leading and most common and serious causes of disease in humans, including viruses, but recently I observed they seem to be connected to the spread of SARS and Covid. I still believe viruses are created directly within a host human being in glands in the right side of the neck, also to is a possible natural antidote bellerophon that is created somewhere perhaps in neck glands or glands within the brain that secretes something that seems to nullify and cancel out the virus.

Sexual perversion might also explain why in some instances a physical interaction such as an inappropriate kiss with someone or inappropriate sexual contact is seen as how a virus could be from one person to another, but the reality is that the impure act itself is what creates the virus in a person. There are pre-existing and very fundamental spiritual teachings on inner purity which I believe provide many of the answers and then we could stop trying to pass the blame of humanities misdeeds and impure behaviour on other animals. The world as it exists presently is a lower fallen dystopian reality created by human behaviour, a constantly sickly population combined with social and urban decay and degradation seems the common factor within these worlds.

If this is all true as I believe it is, it would mean that people are bringing instances of the virus into existence and spreading it through impure behaviours. I do not believe population lock-downs are an effective way of preventing viruses from spreading as you can develop one without coming into contact with any other person, however, they might limit corrupted groups of people from meeting and generating new causes. My intuitive insights all either pointed to or alluded that the coronavirus is a spiritual disease and it seems to begin living within the body itself, frequently based upon committed violations.

I believe one of the most common offences responsible for coronavirus is seducing people through the mind in combination with connecting to a person’s root chakra or sexual energy centre. I believe a lot of this is deliberate and refers to mental sexual predatory behaviour, however, some of this can also be attributed to a general lack of common awareness about psychic boundaries of the mind, especially as it relates to human sexual interaction and the right, moral and proper use of the mind’s psychic faculties whilst linking to another person. The underlying intelligence behind viruses, something I might attribute to divine spirits or sometimes the higher consciousness of a person will attempt to take into account what is an appropriate and moral or immoral use of the mind’s mental and psychic faculties, this is seemingly able to view the mind and mental thought processes of a person to retrieve what their intentions were at the moment of committing an offence.

It is especially necessary to learn about what counts as placing appropriate versus inappropriate attention on someone, for how long, the types of attention and energy one can give, who can receive said attention or to send out or receive using through the mind and who can be linked to without causing a harmful transgression in the process. Placing sufficiently long enough or overly long amounts of attention on someone is usually how a mental connection is created, whether for better or for worse, often this is the point or place where mental seduction or flirting begins in human courting.

I was told last year very clearly that the purpose of coronaviruses was “to ensure that people surrender”, this usually refers to a religious concept whereby the individual will of the body and mind is surrendered back over to a higher mind and intelligence or God for a short period of time in order to reorientate one’s choices or behaviour away from something potentially toxic or threatening. Surrendering requires muscles and tendons that are contracted or sometimes locked or frozen through fear or due to mental or emotional resistance and psychological fears to be slowly relaxed and released. After this intuitive information can become inwardly audible as certain types of audible thoughts are heard and can be accompanied by certain types of unpleasant trauma to be released, this latter part is often unpleasant to both hear and process and may explain why people don’t surrender initially.

Releasing trauma is one of the main ways I believe people can heal themselves spiritually often without the need for harmful medical interventions such as surgery or chemotherapy. A considerable amount of information derived from processing trauma seems to be devoted to providing spiritual lessons and insights about the greater sense of moral right and wrongdoing according to the divine will as it relates to many areas of life and human affairs, and at the same time, it seems to be showing us the underlying nature, purpose and causes of certain types of diseases, something that I believe is actually about trying to modifying human behaviour to make it compatible and in alignment with divine expectations and evolution of human consciousness, however not all diseases seem to follow this exact pattern and some may simply be punishment for an offence.

If this is how viruses also work, it would mean that our existing theory about the causes and spread of viruses is completely wrong. I was given several examples of how different viruses work, including the Rhinovirus or “common cold” as well as Ebola, something that is often seen to be an exotic disease, however they seem to be produced in response to certain very harmful thoughts or interactions between different people. I’ve previously highlighted based on intuitions that Rhinovirus that is common to younger children is linked to something such as inappropriate touching or poor sexual boundaries between children and adults. Ebola however I was informed can be connected to more serious things such as acts of rape or even human cannibalism, but it is not necessarily used exclusively for this, but it is intended to force someone to process unpleasant lessons and I further believe that different strains could be to do with helping with identification and to connect key problems or issues to the corresponding virus.

A key point I feel it’s necessary to clarify, many people seem to develop a coronavirus precisely because they have their own poor personal hygiene issues to contend with, not because they’ve somehow caught it from someone else with poor hygiene issues who is carelessly or unwittingly spreading saliva or mucus. This is speaking in terms of uncleanliness being a spiritual transgression that violates spiritual expectations on human cleanliness such as not washing oneself properly or washing hands after going to the toilet and this seeks to ensure and enforce acceptable standards of cleanliness and hygiene in humans precisely to prevent dirty or unhygienic practices proliferating by impacting and limiting people who behave this way, but eventually, a behavioural change is achieved through inner growth.

Almost everything seems to come down to a type of transgression committed at the end of the day only ranging in degree and severity; you can’t really catch it from another person the way we believe at present; however, I do believe a corrupted person can if allowed to, corrupt the beliefs of another person or at times serve as a point of possible temptation or influence for some form of corrupting behaviour. I believe this sort of thinking and understanding about the disease is part of what spiritual enlightenment can reveal and extend the enquiring mind, knowledge and understanding beyond the existing scientific centric paradigm.

I’ve had various cold viruses throughout my life, but there was one particular period where I seemed to experience my own long coronavirus woes around 2013. The only thing that seemed to help me was regular work, meditation, and going through something called a Kundalini awakening; whilst reading and practising the Power of Now, I worked through various inner lessons that helped focus on things like better mastering human emotions and controlling anger, preventing reactionary thoughts or egoic behaviours and ending addictions.

I believe strongly intense or overreactive anger, malevolent intent and desire to cause violence or harm, particularly if the mind is used to direct ill will towards another person is by far one of the most overlooked causes of the general coronavirus and these can further result in a compression of arteries in the heart, neck or shoulders. This naturally achieves something similar to experiencing a chokehold manoeuvre and deliberately limits the supply and flow of blood and oxygen to the rest of the body.

SARS is something that also causes breathing difficulties and I believe is linked to homosexual behaviour such as linking with a member of the same-sex by the root chakra (sexual energy centre), as hard as this may be for some to swallow. Even if one isn’t causing physical harm, I believe there is enough evidence that hostile thoughts and thinking alone can trigger a coronavirus response in someone as the divine mind and our spiritual overseers link to the body to trigger or “offer” someone a virus. It is as if certain thoughts are constantly being watched or observed and policed for their morality, not allowing someone to break spiritual laws or expectations regarding right conduct is what helps to keep order and prevent a world from becoming corrupted.

Later on, through my spiritual awakening, I managed to learn and develop most of the necessary attention and sexual boundaries of the mind to avoid creating most serious violations or transgressions against people, particularly when working with, viewing or interacting with things like photographs of other people or watching different forms of entertainment media featuring people, as the mind can seemingly psychically connect to a person with a mental or psychic connection irrespective of distance or needing to be near to someone. A transgression in these areas is something that I’d eventually learn could result in a person being cut off or disconnected from the universal or divine source of love; this is not particularly pleasant and usually comes with heavy depressions or low moods and itself is a cause of over-reactivity or hostilities.

Some people seem to have a good feeling for what love is and have experienced enough of it throughout their life and have learned many of the proper ways in which to create more love themselves; it’s usually a delightful and soothing emotion and energy and at times may even feel like tantric energy that if science could adequately study or explain, would suggest that it would be highly addictive and yet also even necessary for regulating mood, sustaining life and allowing different beings to function adequately, love becomes denied or a person may be cut off from it as dysfunctional behaviours or choices are made.

When a person is deprived of love or cut off from love through creating a serious enough transgression, a person soon experiences feelings of depression, moodiness, emptiness or even despair; this can also induce feelings of grumpiness, hopelessness, anger and is especially a trigger for over-reactionary hostile thinking and behaviour. These instances can be accompanied by other karmic diseases. For some, the only way out of this cycle of seeming despair seems to be through a spiritual awakening, surrendering one’s will in certain areas and allowing for a reconnection to the ‘Source’¹ based on aligning with their will, if successful this will eventually reconnect a human being back to the divine source of love and spiritual light most of us call God, however, this must be accompanied by inner learnings relating to spirituality such as love, right-doing, higher morality and learning the knowledge of what constitutes an act of evil, sin or transgression and in most instances to seek to un-do or remove many of the sources of corruption or sources of evil from within oneself and atone for the creation of karma and its consequences.

Spiritual corruption as opposed to human law corruption seems to exist to define the morality of right and wrongdoing and it follows a series of spiritual expectations whilst ensuring the viability and continuation of life at many different levels as it was designed and intended to do. Many of these spiritual teachings come from the Christian faith that followed the teachings of Jesus Christ, someone who it was recognised opposed evil and corruption in his day and eventually ascended out of the lower reality, however, it can be difficult to assimilate through manuscripts as the language and metaphors used are old and many interpretations and translations have distorted some of the teachings.

I’ve managed to write several articles about the coronavirus, and it seems if we’re to escape this mess of global corruption and viral pandemics we need to understand what spiritual corruption is. Every country, culture and race seems to have their own more prevalent corruption issues to contend with and this could explain why there are different variants of coronavirus. I believe India may be suffering from attitudes surrounding sexual lust and sexual predation, in contrast, China, I believe, is suffering from lust for power at a state level. The West is suffering from many issues and sexual perversion is likely very high in my estimation due to a loss of religious morality. Children seem to link to other adults and vice versa in order to achieve a sense of personal security, but this can go wrong and result in things that get people into difficulty.

¹ ‘Source’ is meant to describe our infinite creator, whereas ‘God’ describes a creator entity who’s extended from Source, like we all are, and watches over our universe. Source:


Further Reading

What is Spiritual Corruption?
The Origins and Purpose of Coronavirus
Egoic Reactionary Behaviour and Coronaviruses

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