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Collective writings on spirituality, ascension and evolution.


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About this blog

I set up Systems of Spirit in 2013 to document my first clairvoyant and spiritual experiences with divine entities such as angels and other divine beings, one of which was a nature spirit after I became interested in gardening. I could later write about other mystical experiences alongside what I was learning about my Kundalini awakening. Later, someone declared me to be a mystic, and I began to include information from the dreams, visions, and messages they intuitively gave me.

Some of what I had shared with me were spiritual teachings on things like lust for power and the risks of lusting for sexual energy. I’ve been influenced by some of the esoteric work from other mystics such as Rudolph Steiner as well as the enlightened spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle; however, what I write about are primarily my synthesised works and writings about spiritual evolution, enlightenment, and ascension with a focus on divine spirituality and in later years broadened to include topics on health such as coronavirus, sexual perversion and physiognomy.

I became Christian in 2017 after taking a local alpha course, but most of my earlier experiences, whilst they were mystical and religious, were not exclusively Christian. I rarely reference scripture or bible texts, and I can not claim to have read the bible from cover to cover. Even so, I hoped this blog would become part of a future road map for helping people understand and undertake ascension independently and learn more about spiritual evolution.

About me

I am David George, a British mystic; I periodically write for this blog (Systems of Spirit) and a spiritual health blog called Psychospiritual Support, focusing on Kundalini and spiritual perspectives on health and mental health. I’ve previously worked as a temporary volunteer for the Spiritual Crisis Network. Christianity influences my beliefs and attitudes; however, I had previously considered myself an atheist for most of my teenage years and early adult life, so I try to think and influence based on both perspectives. Since coming through Kundalini, I chose an integrative form of spirituality that incorporates Christianity and Kundalini knowledge; however, even before this, I was practising the Power of Now, and I eventually reached an enlightened and self-realised state of being. Regardless of anyone’s religious or spiritual beliefs and spiritual path of learning, most of the information from Kundalini featured on this blog is relevant to our human evolution and applies to humanity irrespective of how someone may identify spiritually or religiously and covers many valuable and beneficial Universal teachings irrespective of my Christian influence.

In recent years, I’ve concentrated on learning about karma and consciousness, particularly concerning spiritual awakening, evolution, and psycho-spiritual understandings of health. Some divine astral planes consider me a famous mystic, owning to knowing and having explained to them that COVID-19 was a severe disease caused by different types of spiritual corruption. In contrast, others refer to me as an evolutionist.

What is a mystic?

A mystic receives higher or divine knowledge derived through spiritual intuitions given or passed on from God and other heavenly beings. Much of my understanding of the world comes from spirituality and a little-understood evolutionary process known as Kundalini Awakening, which eventually culminated in a religious process called Ascension. This opened up a whole new level of understanding and knowledge about our evolution, including the purpose behind human suffering, disease and karma, which all shape human evolutionary development. One of my most fundamental findings is that disease is deliberately given to people to shape their choices and behaviours, especially when someone does something harmful to another or commits spiritual transgressions during one’s own life.

It was during the conclusion of my spiritual awakening that I finally encountered one of our Gods soon after I was given a notable mystic archetype in 2017. Higher knowledge and information from various people or beings in spirit started to come to me; some of it was in the form of vivid dreams, visions, and intuitions and sometimes included prophecy and predictive events. I do my best to communicate what information is given to me from divinity to bring higher knowledge relevant to humanity’s spiritual development and evolution into everyday awareness, predominantly through my article writing. Most important at this time has been spiritual corruption.

Examples included being told there is oil in the Arctic region waiting to be discovered. This would be important to prolonging our petroleum-based energy paradigm and that the electric car is not a great invention. They also complained that charcoal was never supposed to be an invention because we wrongly cut down so much forest to create it despite plentiful coal in the ground. Some of my most recent information was information about the nature of coronavirus being connected to different instances of spiritual corruption; some of the most common ones, for example, seem to include immorally threatening or intimidating behaviour, sexually seducing someone via the mind, usually whilst linking to others’ root chakra energy, and partaking of sexual perversions such as homosexuality being the most common, such viruses are just some of the effects and consequences of excessive over-reactive anger, reactive-hostile thoughts or intentions, unwarranted violence and insecurity causing many sorts of coronavirus, which as one learns spiritual lessons, are avoided and one realises viruses don’t transmit through the air and our scientists were dead wrong about this.

Higher Worlds

I’ve been able to explore some aspects of higher worlds myself; along the way, this meant learning that there are multiple Earth worlds and realities; even our own has been split off into different historical timelines. Many are similar to our own, but many are also different. Our world was shaped by the industrial revolution and two world wars, the enlightenment of figures like Leonardo Da Vinci, his offering of sacred geometry, and technological inventions such as the transistor.

Different realities are veiled and separated by dimensions of mind and consciousness, which are intended to allow for varying levels of evolved humans to simultaneously exist apart to allow further spiritual development to take place and to maintain a particular quality of living for the souls taking part in it. Some of these higher worlds allow humanity and culture to be shaped or arranged differently for a higher quality of co-creation and human experience between man and the divine spirit. We’re here to learn about biodiversity, such as the nature of good and evil and the relationships between predator and prey, whilst experiencing degrees of challenge and hardship, enabling us to evolve to a point where ascension can occur. Certain aspects of one’s life are deliberately manifested, like in the Matrix movies, to overcome a particular challenge; some are negative learning lessons, and some are fun and positive experiences.

I often write about the ascension process, facilitated and accelerated through healing the ego, purifying oneself, removing sources of evil corruption and controlling lower human impulses whilst working to become the best possible version of oneself. This undertaking is part of what, from a larger perspective, could be seen as a transition into an enlightened age of understanding. I rarely post channelling, but I know some of my thoughts are written for me to hear. I won’t risk the long and useless messages that are often attributed to and associated with schizophrenia for this very reason. However, I usually quote snippets from intuitive conversations, combined with my wisdom and interpretations on these topics, much of which is based on direct experiences of going through Kundalini.

Psycho-Spiritual Health

Unfortunately, I experienced many health problems along the way during my Kundalini awakening, including spiritual crisis, mystical states and bipolar disorder, and this eventually motivated me to set up a separate blog as a space to write and share articles about psycho-spiritual health topics; this information is particularly beneficial for anyone going through a spiritual awakening such as Kundalini or someone who might be suffering from health problems connected to or derived from the inner spiritual dimensions of the self. At one point, I had also been authoring a book on bipolar disorder, which I had hoped to complete someday. I also briefly volunteered as a responder for the Spiritual Crisis Network between 2018 and 2020.

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