Sex and spirituality are intricately connected enabling one to experience bliss, ecstasy and euphoria in a human body as a celebration of life, the divine, oneself and one's partner.
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Seat of Sexuality

Sex, Religion and Spirituality

Reading time: ( 15 ) minutes

This article explores a number of facets of sexuality from a Christian spiritual and religious perspective and I wanted to write this after receiving a number of lessons during my Kundalini awakening. Some religious people seem to hold the belief that sex for enjoyment is wrong and should be reserved only for conception, these same people often also feel that masturbation, when done for pleasure, is also wrong and may even go as far as saying that orgasm should be avoided, this is what Karezza focuses on. Some of these beliefs don’t even follow religious teachings and I think this attitude has unfairly given religion a bad reputation.

Whilst everyone is open to holding both personal and shared beliefs and expressing their opinions, they frequently result in common misconception due to what I believe is incorrect interpretations of spiritual and religious teachings. After practising a lot of energy blending in tantra, at one point I even believed masturbation was wrong as I had a bad experience at one point, but later realised it’s fine, but there are rules that govern this that I’ll touch upon later.

Some tribal cultures even go as far as mutilating or cutting away foreskin and other parts of the sex organs designed to provide tactile sensitivity and protection and this barbaric practice is often referred to as genital mutilation, but it’s openly practised within Judaism and certain African tribes most notably. I’ve since been able to connect evil behaviour with a type of sinister facial trauma that transforms the appearance of the face and body, so I hope in the future people are going to take this more seriously.


The purpose of Orgasm

The purpose of orgasm, in my opinion, is about creating and experiencing the sensations of pleasure, ecstasy and bliss and it can lead to deeper feelings of inner peace, love and euphoria whilst inhabiting the human form. There is usually an emphasis on bonding and it uses both tactile touch and energy blending with the different chakras. When done right it feels good and brings greater fulfilment, it’s to be seen as both a celebration of life, the divine, oneself and one’s partner and there are many different and creative ways of experiencing orgasm, some certainly feel much nicer or more pleasant than others and many of them are are not really physical, but involve the mind and actions done as part of a psychic experience.

After a positive orgasm, it will usually harmonise the mood and thoughts of the person and reduce the feelings of stress in the body and when done in a loving way with a partner in a loving and caring way they are likely to reciprocate this attitude and become far more compassionate or understanding towards you, it’s often the place to forgive things like oneanother’s mistakes or transgressions as this helps with spiritual bonding, if you lose one another in mind and unbond, you’ll soon leave one another physically and this can be very painful.

Orgasms don’t all take place exclusively in the genitals as there is an astral body which is capable of producing sensations similar to pollination or blooming flowers and these are more intensely peaceful or loving rather than erotically charged. Someone also once showed me that the astral body is also capable of mirroring the sexual sensations of a partner when both individuals mental selves harmonise in mind, which is useful for sharing things if you want to understand how it makes the other partner feel as the astral body is not limited by the physical organs.

Sex for Healing

The reason sex helps with anxiety is that it massages and relaxes the inner pelvic muscles contained in the thighs and pelvis, which usually become tightened and contracted due to the natural fear response, but sex assists to release this tension that can correspond to worry, fear or anger.

An orgasm will also help with temporarily removing the tension associated with anxiety, however, it doesn’t address the core underlying causes or reasons behind a source of anxiety and if unresolved the anxiety will soon return. It’s also an ideal way to alleviate sexual frustration, as the physical component of an orgasm usually releases the hamstrings in quick succession, which will sometimes throw up a lot of anxious thoughts into the mind as it’s channelling the energy and information of the root chakra for you to become aware of.

Generally speaking, people need to make efforts to remove their physical fear blocks and the most harmful causes of anxiety from their lives, otherwise it can result in becoming paralysed by fear to the point of not really being able to get out of bed in the morning. These also reduces the quality of life choices as I found myself missing out on a lot of things earlier in life during childhood. Chronic fear and anxiety can lead to excessive masturbation resulting in an addiction as only temporary relief is found and it soon returns and the cycle repeats, to the point it may begin to cause further damage.  Since sex releases pelvic and inner thigh muscular and tendon tension it also assists in removing more harmful trauma from the body and sex or masturabtion is something that any teenager or adult can use for removing certain types of sexually sustained trauma when done in a healthy way.


Tantric massage

There is a sound reason why tantric massage is associated with the phenomena of spiritual awakening. Careful caring and tender massage and stimulation of the pelvic and thigh muscle groups enables the psyche to process fear blocks and trauma that would otherwise inhibit one’s life and personal growth. The most sensitive areas of the genitals likewise assist in bringing to surface one’s most darker or unacknowledged wounds can also be used for the removal of sexual traumas sustained through the crossing of sexual boundaries such as acts of rape, incest, infidelity or sexual perversion whether sustained or committed.

The sensations that the more sensitive areas of the genitals can create when gently touched will gradually bring these issues to the surface of the mind and enable purging the chakras and body of the energy that was created as a result of earlier traumas. I’ve discovered this includes not only what one has done as a person housed as the spirit in the physical body in this lifetime but also the higher dimensional expressions of self that operate in parallel on a separate plane as well as acts committed or received during past lifetimes.

I’ve observed this both within myself through spiritual practice as well as within other people through sharing root chakra information that many people have some form of deeper unacknowledged or repressed sexual trauma whether from this lifetime or stored in the body left over from a prior lifetime. The thoughts, dreams or visions that are revealed are generally quite unpleasant to re-experience and they are heard in the mind at the point of release and facial expressions likewise reveal a strange mixture of pleasure and distress.

There are also special areas within the pelvic floor which can be purified through introducing a metaphysical tool designed to burn away spiritual impurities that correspond with harmful past sexual practice, trauma or harmful or ‘dirty’ thoughts associated with sex.


Tantric massage



Some methods of sex such as Karezza encourage love and intimacy, but when taken too far will harmfully seek to remove orgasm from the equation altogether rather than it is focusing on prolonging love-making or the preservation of seminal fluid and sexual energy in males. It can help men in that it is beneficial for males to orgasm without ejaculation too frequently as it results in a loss of vital energy, which is the main reason in my opinion for males wanting (or needing) to fall asleep immediately after or close after physical orgasm and ejaculation. Women do not have this problem of loss of energy or lethargy that men face and to deliberately avoid or seek to deny them a climax or orgasm will result in cause harm to the relationship through sexual frustration. That said the core aspect of Karezza can make sex feel safer, caring and pleasurable and make it last beyond a quick frolic underneath the bed sheets or perhaps a change of pace from charged or passionate sexual urgency.


Various labels have all been used throughout history to describe individuals who have incorporated a sexual practice as part of achieving enlightenment and heightened male and female union through the blending of sexual energies.

When men and women embrace intimately, we look to connect at both the Seat of the Soul and engage with one another’s inner being by looking into each other’s eyes and exercising psychic awareness of each other’s inner spiritual being, sex when engaged with both love, care and passion is one of the most mystical experiences you can engage in, and it is for this reason why there are so many sexual spiritual practises that result in spiritual awakening and higher consciousness, which I explored through looking at Buddhist deities and eastern tantras. One of the best body positions for this is expressed as the Buddha or yab-yum position which can be used to bring about both greater intimacy, a union between two souls and sexual awakening where the energy is retained in the body used for achieving higher consciousness, spiritual awakening and self-realisation.

As I began practising I eventually discovered that there is a muscle in the male pelvis that prevents physical ejaculation when it becomes contracted and as a result it is likely that the man will last considerably longer during penetration sex with his partner and it has the effect of channelling his sexual energies higher into both his own and his partners body, resulting in greater pleasure and higher frequencies of energy reaching the higher centres of the body, including the heart and brain.

I suspect this method can, in reality, be adapted within a western context, simply to enable sex for much longer or without risk of unwanted conception as without seminal loss the male partner can also experience multiple orgasms without tiring due to loss of energy that goes with male ejaculation fluids and the woman can also experience pleasure without the frustration of a session ending prematurely for the same reason.

The core practice that appeared to enable this was initially male seminal fluid retention through a general abstention from frequent masturbation and use of overt forms of pornography made in poor taste or by people who haven’t mastered avoiding entrapment through sexual lust.

Sex and Christianity

Traditional Christianity understands the main teachings regarding sin that prevents the creation of karma, ego impurity and demonic energies within a person through things like addiction, perversion and lusting and behaviours of sexual excesses. Unfortunately, much of this has been lost, ignored or forgotten about in an every day sense due to a combination of politics, media, liberal-attitudes, misunderstanding, incorrect interpretations and general ignorance among the population which has caused recent relative attitude shifts in recent decades away from divine laws into mankind’s own relative law, unfortunately a relative law cannot override a higher law no matter how modern and progressive it may seem, the consequences are that a person begins to accumulate a karmic debt, become unwell, develop a constant depression or headache and look spiritually unclean ranging from persistent smirks to marked faces and dirty appearing eyes.

Within Christian spiritual teachings and the Kundalini the male ejaculation fluids contain something special called the “Christ serum” which can be wasted, particularly when used in the context of a casual pornography addiction. During my own Kundalini awakening, I eventually experienced this seminal fluid mixing with different energies from my lower chakras and then ascending my spinal column into the brain in what felt like a golden fluid or type of anointing which is intended to facilitate moving form a state of body or ego identification and into pure awareness. This provided an energetic clearing effect and reactivation of dormant areas of the brain that soon enabled spiritual vision to become an active and common part of my life in order to see, clairvoyant and perceive divine spirit operating around me in the form of light entity consciousness which resembles beautiful coloured diamond light or orbs of various coloured spiritual light.

We can also see the role in which the media has appropriated words like lust, sin, infidelity and temptation within the context of marketing and advertising to instead mean something that is suggested as very desirable or pleasurable as is in the case when its used for of food, fashion and lifestyle advertising. In the spiritual sense the word I hear most is being “naughty” and this is intended on a spiritual level to prevent relationship cheating or breaking bonds. Within a modern sexual or pornographic context some of these words might also mean hot and steamy sex rather than what it originally meant which is really to say, avoid cheating on your partner (acts of infidelity), engaging in highly debased or perverse sex acts such as an incestuous sexual relationships, perverse sexualisation of minors and children, addiction to sex and masturbation, uncaring “frantic” masturbation techniques that cause harm to soft genital tissues that can on a spiritual level be responsible for a number of sexual diseases (STDs).

Over the last several decades attitudes have changed regarding homosexuality, however higher laws of this nature are immutable and unchanged and so people are likely to be causing harm to themselves and it remains a misunderstood and toxic influence in society and a visible cause of impurity in people. Female sexual expression with other females is not the same as with men, they can engage in sexual activity, but there are boundaries and it is not intended to override natural heterosexual desire and this is evidenced in part by various trauma changes that transform the face in an unhealthy way.


John Byam Liston Shaw (British, 1872 – 1919), “The Woman, the Man and the Serpent”

There is also a wide range of perverse sexual content such as hyper-sexual content of minors, the inclusion of animals within human sexual settings known as “bestiality” and when a practice such as bondage restraint use is taken to an extreme or perverse level as with many sadomasochistic practices.

Masturbation doesn’t produce hairy palms it is clear to see and it’s nothing to feel guilty or shameful about as long as one observes an awareness of not becoming addicted, taken-over or causing harm to the body and men do not waste all of their vital energy. Masturbatory does however access the energy from the root chakra, which can include sexual trauma, both sustained and self-inflicted which can produce feelings connected to guilt and shame.

When a woman goes through her period on one level this is a shedding of the old womb lining but it is also a significant time of spiritual cleansing of unwanted accumulated energies from other men predominantly through the way of bleeding. However by addressing the needs of the body and her inner being as well as maintaining both physical and psychic or spiritual boundaries relative to character expectations between herself and other men then her period may result in significantly fewer cramps or period pains during that month as there will be less conflict and discordance. This attitude associated with purity was once known as being chaste and discerning over a partner, but today this has become mistaken for or confused with total celibacy associated with religious monks or nuns who forgo a sexual life in order to work in service in monasteries, which serves a different purpose, but may also have associated benefits.

Sex can also be used as a path of spiritual development.


The Peace of God

During my ascension, I was eventually introduced to an energy technique that they refer to as “the peace of God”. This uses pelvic muscle contraction to prevent male seminal ejaculation and when combined with an inner surrendering of the deeper core pelvic muscles, body and mind in a safe and relaxed way and use of a hand position such as the temple mudras (hands placed together with fingertips pointing up and finger pads pressed together on both hands, symbolising an alignment with the house of Source-God).

This eventually enables energy to stream vertically up through the body. A lot of potential energy is generated and temporarily stored and then later released and a highly sensitive internal gland is tapped and stimulated in quick succession through fast-flowing energies and muscular contractions.

As this happens energy is released higher up into the body and results in an incredibly intense sexual ecstasy compared to an ordinary orgasm during ordinary sex. It’s incredibly difficult to resist the urge to self-stimulate or masturbate during this due to very strong arousal which can if one is determined to override the closing of the seminal duct but will yield in a greater success if one doesn’t.

Ones of the core practices around this technique was a combination of abstinence from masturbation combined with using the Lord’s Prayer daily in the evening before sleep, which assists in the shedding of ego energy and impurity and reorientation of the soul, spirit and consciousness.

A person within spirit commented to me “he has the potential to get the whole world using the Lord’s Prayer”, as I understand it’s modern context and how it works, however realistically, I think it will largely refer to Anglo-European descended peoples (spiritual, religious and atheist alike) as well as existing Christian religious cultures in various parts of the world but it would be interesting to see how other spiritual groups might choose to adapt it to suit themselves as it markedly Christian in its feeling and spiritual philosophy and someone else mentioned that it would likely spread spiritual wisdom between Asia and Europe.



Lustful masturbation and pawing at the skin and flesh of another is traditionally known as “lusts of the flesh” and it directly relates to the inner attitude that creates the outward expression in relationship to attributes such as speed, frequency, strength and the uncontrolled use of hands, toys, vibrators, wands or other instruments.

It also means not swimming in lubricant or oil when engaging in sexual activity or message. If you want to get this slippery with someone then I’d recommend a slip-slide leading down to a lake. The overly quick climax and orgasm can result in establishing a bad sexual practice that results in differing degrees of karma over time. It is understood the nature of sexual urgency in relation to sexual arousal or eroticism that doesn’t create karma, however many people like to treat masturbation as a race and they don’t care about the quality of time, touch or attention and often these people develop an addiction and other bad habits.

Touch or physical contact that causes harm or soreness to the genitals and sexual organs due to excessive friction is seen as undesirable and if they aren’t treated with care and respect a person can develop a whole range of karmic problems including the spiritual causes of sexual diseases. A person with dark, sinister or shiny eyes is the expression of that individual’s level of purity of their inner being or spirit and you really want to avoid these people as they have the worst unresolved issues in relation to sex and other people.

Doing too much strenuous yoga or stretching the pelvic basin muscle groups too hard can make the delicate web of muscle fibres within the pelvic floor sore and tender for a lengthy period making a person uncomfortable and physically and energetically ungrounded for a prolonged period. Rough, extreme or vigorous masturbation for either gender also has a similar effect upon the pelvic floor and in males can result in contractual pulling on the testicles that will be sharp and painful.

When engaging in sex or masturbation both males and females should take care to start slowly and build up speed over time until one feels the natural inclination to climax without making it a race. There really is an art to self-pleasure that many continue to need to practice and maintain both physical and psychic or spiritual awareness of without having a negative karmic effect upon the body, soul or spirit.

I’ve realised through my own past mistakes that men in particular I suspect are gripping themselves far too hard and subsequently they lose the heart energies and climaxing becomes far less pleasant and at times even frustrating or creates bad energies. It becomes even riskier when own psychic energies become shared or entwined with another person through using sensual content.



By linking the mind with a caring and loving touch, attitude and intentions you can also begin to create and channel heart energies or love for the purposes of manifestation, which includes small things like bringing about a change or shift in choices in relation to personal relationships by sharing of energy and information with a partner within his or her mind as well as seeking out more desirable experiences in the future one would like to receive, work towards, such as to develope a career or bring about a particular experience you would like to enjoy. In my experience, it’s not usually good to attempt manifestation when not in a good mood, as one’s thoughts tend to come out as expressions of moody anger or hostile thoughts or may simply stir up one’s own current troubles, fears or anxieties to focus on instead.

When energy is positive you share this with your partner and some of it will become thoughts in his or her mind, ideas and inspiration, your, worries or fears or intuitive flashes based on what your partner wants to experience but doesn’t want to spoil this through speaking about it. At other times your energy is projected outwards and it becomes a type of prayer where spiritual consciousness will pick up on and use the information to help resolve something or help you seek what you’re looking for.

There’s far more to love and sex than we can really appreciate from this physical or spiritual plane, and whilst there is much one can explore in this area there also a number of obvious and not so obvious things one cannot do because they are sin (they are sinister acts) and go against the divine order of creation.

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