Bellerophon is a unique drug of mystical origin that cleanses the body of viral infections.
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Bellerophon: The Miracle Drug Helping Christians Overcome Coronavirus

Reading time: ( 11 ) minutes

Featured Image: Pegasus versus Chimera by The Beke.

The purpose of this article is to inform you that there exists a special drug of mystical origin called Bellerophon that can almost instantaneously cleanse the bloodstream of viral infections such as coronavirus. It is named after a Greek demi-god called Bellerophon, who in Greek mythology, was said to have dispatched a mythical creature called the Chimera beast. There is at least one fictional example whereby this name was used to refer to a vaccine in the Mission Impossible 2 movie. However, unlike a laboratory-manufactured vaccine, this is a drug that the body can produce itself just like insulin, serotonin and melatonin, but unlike the aforementioned drugs, there is a spiritual requirement that must be met before the body will be triggered into producing Belletaphon, what is this requirement? One must work hard. And if this sounds more like a religious commandment, it’s because it is certainly more akin to being a spiritual teaching than a piece of advice a doctor might give you, and it is not something I believe that many scientists could easily wrap their heads around without being grounded in religion.

Is Bellerophon a miracle drug and why do so few people know about its existence?

I hadn’t even heard of Bellerophon until 2020, and at the time of deciding to first write this article, I had two separate and very similar experiences whereby something mentally and intuitively labelled ‘Bellerophon’ was being administered to me from a spiritual source. Whilst mystical experiences are not new to me, this wasn’t like other things I had experienced. The drug was created directly in my body, with clear sensations and feelings in the right side of my neck, it didn’t require me to take a pill or go get a vaccine from a doctor. Each time this happened, it was accompanied by a brief exchange of intuitive communication with a Heavenly Father being, something that my mind and brain are capable of perceiving as a gold spirit entity in the form of a psychic overlay upon my physical sense of sight. These communications usually happen in a meditative state of consciousness, whilst either drifting off to sleep, meditating or when in a trance induced by my heater. To enlighten you as to what a Heavenly Mother/Father is, it is the consciousness of a more evolved and developed human being interacting through the mind that has been assigned to manage or guide certain aspects of human lives of people who are evolving at different levels, in some ways it is like a boss mentoring his apprentice.

Whilst the drug seems to be created within the body, it’s debatable whether it should be defined as ‘natural’ or ‘supernatural’. It may be natural in the sense that I believe it is created within a gland like hormones and other bodily chemicals and using the body’s existing biological systems, but it may also be considered supernatural in that it requires a higher spiritual authority to trigger it to be produced by the body in the first place, I believe you are unlikely to be able to trick the body into producing this drug, unlike insulin, the later spiritual connection is probably what makes it a supernatural phenomenon.

As already stated I believe that it is made in one of the glands found in the neck, in my case the sensations were experienced within the right side of my neck just below the right ear, where I believe it connected to the blood circulatory system. I felt a chemical being secreted internally, I once had Morphine administered into my arm by way of an IV after I experienced a painful torsion of a sensitive body part, however, the internal sensation of the drug was quite similar. Incidentally, I believe viruses are probably created similarly directly within the body, you’re not literally catching them, I may as well add at this point that my current research to date suggests that viruses are not transmissible in water droplets and they do not spread the way scientists presently believe they do and I’ve had numerous personal anecdotal examples to back this up.

Bellerophon was featured in Mission Impossible 2, it was portrayed as and used as an antidote and vaccine to the deadly Chimera virus, both were developed by a fictitious corporate bio-laboratory. It is also worth noticing that it shares a similar naming convention, using either Greek letters or names such as mythological figures, this is almost certainly not a coincidence. It has been the policy of the organisation responsible for naming new viruses (ICTV) to use Greek letters and I refer to the variants that were thereafter named ‘Delta’ and ‘Omicron’ that surfaced after the original Coronavirus-19 pandemic, there have been said to be several other lesser variants. Religious names and concepts are often deliberately used and featured in particular movies, often revolving around the concept of divine morality such as good versus evil, when they do, it can sometimes help to reinforce the idea of religious morality and teach important spiritual lessons concerning the purpose of our world.

One of my intuitions alleged that Omicron is not actually a coronavirus at all, and has already alluded that may more likely be something positive, it seems to naturally induce a more relaxed state, which I believe can help someone to relax and overcome stress, fearful and over-reactive behaviour in the face of adverse conditions. One of the main problems with the human mind and body is that when someone cannot relax or sufficiently surrender the muscles in their legs, the mounting discomfort is a common cause of an over-active mind which will force the body’s innate intuition to keep channelling thoughts about one’s sense of threat which is derived from the root chakra.

Only when problems with the root chakra are properly resolved can a person completely surrender this tension and become free of fear. Here is a scenario of what an unresolved root chakra issue could be. A person decides to cheat on their spouse, they may or may not feel a lot of guilt, fear, shame or anxiety about having cheated and been unfaithful. This person if they remain in their relationship is however likely to feel and become fearful of being discovered or insecure in their relationship. This situation could be enough for them to be unable to surrender their body properly due to internal fear, this is unlikely to resolve on its own and requires some form of intervention, this could include things like coming clean, being honest and making right any wrongs that were done, perhaps atoning in someway, rebuilding trust and trying to repair the relationship or even acknowledging the relationship is not what they want to continue with, intense fear can make people behave in horrible ways, such a scenario might even cause someone to entertain the idea of murdering their spouse instead of resolving the situation through more mutually amicable means.

Whilst coronaviruses can have very harmful and even debilitating effects, Omicron and Bellerophon in contrast both seem to be positive. Omicron seems principally intended to calm a person down, whereas the primary purpose of Bellerophon seems to be to cleanse the blood of any trace of viruses, and in my case, I almost instantly began to feel better. I later had the idea to refer to it as a ‘miracle drug’, which came to mind along with the U2 track of the same name. Another time I experienced something this seemingly miraculous was when I was also given a natural dose of serotonin (not a supplement or orally taken) after a rather long and hard day of work, this came with the sensation of a small amount of liquid being secreted internally somewhere in my head and I immediately began to feel calmer, soothed and naturally sleepy, this was also similar to when I once had a strong opiate pain killer being syringed into my arm just before an operation.

Producing Bellerophon through an Ethos of Hard Work

What I’ve experienced and witnessed is that positive things happen after periods of hard work such as through acts of selfless service or kindness to others and this is the core of a lot of Christian spiritual teaching. I once read in somebody else’s article “God likes people who work hard”, this stuck with me as a sound and I chose to incorporate this into my everyday attitude and working mentality which I attribute to being the cause of one of my most profound mystical experiences. I believe this attitude is part of what it takes to contribute to the success of a world, it constantly pays back any karmic debts for acts of sin or spiritual transgressions, particularly when it’s combined with a healthy repentant attitude.

What else originally helped me to develop a core ethos of hard work? It came from learning about National Socialism, a political and social ideological system that was supposed to become the linchpin and bedrock of a successful European country, but due to its incorrect associations with neo-Nazism and World War 2 atrocity propaganda, it has instead seen unwarranted and widespread rejection in favour of capitalism due to losing control of the correct historical narrative after the war had ended, despite how successful it was.

I also realised that a positive attitude can also be used to create more love, energy and positive feelings and emotions that prevent low moods and low energy states such as depression from occurring. An esoteric truth is that creating love reverses the damaging effects of ego, spiritual corruption and diseases including cancers that are derived from spiritual sources, such as the resulting trauma from incurring or creating a transgression. Such transgressions result in trauma which is used to damage the body and force the person to confront something, often a hard or unpleasant truth, which differs from some of the other scientifically recognised sources of cancer such as chemical toxicity, radiation or carcinogens like carbonised food or breathing in second-hand smoke.

More Connections between Coronaviruses and Spiritual Corruption

The most serious coronavirus to date in our world appears to have been, COVID-19, it was used to limit, and suppress people afflicted by spiritual corruption and where necessary to end someone’s life, some of the worst cases of coronavirus seem to be connected to predatory sexual behaviour including things like child abuse, child pornography and sex trafficking. This is precisely why I believe Muslims were one of the groups most adversely affected by coronaviruses. I wrote about this theme as being one of the major causes of a serious coronavirus based on intuitive insights about predatory behaviour and sexual perversion. I also explained how physiognomy can be used as a visual analysis tool and means of identifying certain instances of spiritual corruption by studying facial features and changes to the body, many of which are related to deliberate traumas, some of which are intended to make someone appear more characteristically evil in response to things that are derived from evil choices or behaviour known as a transgression and they appear to be made by a type of none physical intelligence or higher mind that can interact with people’s body through a process known as psychic cording.

There are however many different coronaviruses that are given to people for many different reasons and situations that call for its use which are not necessarily so serious as those previously listed, for example, being unhygienic itself is considered a spiritual transgression that can bring about a coronavirus through an impure action, it is not spread through saliva. I also learned that seducing or coveting someone else’s partner or demonstrating inappropriately excessive anger or over-reactive thoughts and behaviour can cause one to develop or manifest a coronavirus, however, these usually don’t appear to be anywhere near as harmful as Covid-19 has been but they are still impacting overall health and they’re easy to keep re-creating until certain hard lessons have been learned and properly integrated into one’s new sense of being.

What all manifested diseases seem to have in common is focusing on getting a person to reach the spiritually surrendered state concerning one’s use of the mind, the will, the body and the ability to have surrendered muscles to allow these parts of ourselves to function unencumbered and to come into alignment with a higher will. Acknowledging there is a higher will or higher mind at work is often about preventing instances of spiritual corruption from occurring in someone in the first place. One of the primary purposes of religion is to prevent spiritual corruption from occurring by teaching about divine morality, however, if a religion itself becomes corrupted through false or corrupted teachings then it can be extremely difficult to discern right from wrong. For example, Muslims seem to inherently believe they can have sex with whomever they want, leading to the widespread rape of women and children. If their religion was pure and accurate, there would be no confusion and as such they would not sustain such high levels of diseases that are attributed to this predatory behaviour. Christianity teaches that homosexuality is abhorrent, but the failure of modern churches to reject this impure practice has resulted in mass corruption of segments of the population and more coronaviruses.

The sort of surrendering previously mentioned should not be confused with the concept of being sexually surrendered to someone else, which can either happen accidentally by surrendering pelvic floor muscles, often whilst bonding with someone or even deliberately through the intent to sexually seduce someone, however, each may result in a different degree of trauma to the body and when a personal boundary has been crossed, violated or broken. This can happen especially if connected to the wrong person in either mind or energy and this is itself also a very common source of the coronavirus, trauma and certain cancers are usually intended to teach spiritual lessons unpleasantly or harshly through the stick rather than the carrot. Many instances of coronaviruses are so common that they were probably never intended to be recorded as a pandemic as they’re almost always being used and they’re difficult to get rid of, that is until our world reaches a certain peak of spiritual understanding, consciousness and enlightenment whereby the use of such viruses become unnecessary and aren’t unleashed on populations by the various divines that participate in our world.

In closing, it perhaps needs to be asked whether or not the World Health Organisation and the ICTV are going to ever discover or even recognise Bellerophon as a miracle drug. If they do, how might our scientists and doctors proceed? The use of coronavirus has primarily been used as a tool to undermine, control and thwart certain types of instances of spiritual corruption, but a drug on its own seems unlikely to resolve these underlying problems, even if it can defeat the biological components of a virus. it does offer us a solution and a way out.

It has been suggested to me that receiving a vaccination is just another means of getting someone to surrender long enough for the information to be received or exchanged in the person’s mind. Whilst I feel that I cannot state an exact formula with absolute repeatable steps, I am confident about the general process that allowed me to create and receive Bellerophon on more than one occasion. Working hard combined with divine worship was essential for this to happen and it further enabled me to surrender and come into alignment with the divine will so that I could begin to eliminate one by one the many different spiritual transgressions that can be said to be a generative cause of the coronavirus.

Further Reading

The Origin and Purpose of Coronavirus
What is Spiritual Corruption?
How to Reverse Spiritual Corruption

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